News, articles, tips & tricks

Video screenshot of young boy playing a video game
Jack’s loving his independent gaming! Jack’s absolutely buzzing as he arrows his car through Mario Kart using an adapted controller setup devised by our specialist assessment team. Jack has cerebral palsy which makes it difficult to coordinate his hands for small targets. He’d never played on the Nintendo Switch, but his family wanted to find a way for him…

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Smiling boy in wheelchair using adapted gaming setup
Finding a way to play for Elliot You simply can’t put a price on Elliot’s smile, so we’d like to say a huge thank you for helping us to be a catalyst for such magical moments right across the world. We welcomed Elliot to our Games Room recently. He has quadriplegic cerebral palsy, which for him means that controlling a standard…

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Thank you - a montage of smiling gamers
Games industry unites for stunning One Special Day total

A record number of games industry partners united to raise over £660,000 for gamers’ charity SpecialEffect through their One Special Day campaign in October 2022. The charity, which is continuing to experience a steep upturn in demand for its services, are immensely grateful to 90 companies from the worldwide games industry who came together to…

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Bethany’s buttons

[trx_video url=”″ autoplay=”off” title=”off”]   Wow. This is the kind of worldwide life-changing impact that your One Special Day support is going to make is going to make when you buy, play and donate on Friday 7 October! It’s Bethany, who’s having the time of her life playing her favourite games. Her mum Sarah was…

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THANK YOU for your #OneSpecialDay support!

Take a moment to watch this heartfelt message from Dr Mick thanking EVERYONE who’s been part of #OneSpecialDay this year. You’ve been amazing and we can’t wait to share details of how your support will make a difference! [trx_video url=”” autoplay=”off” title=”off” width=”850″ height=”480″] …  

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One Special Day hoodie on sale now

Our friends at Insert Coin have come up trumps once again with this brand new One Special Day hoodie.   Head over to their site now to place your order with 100% of profits supporting our work.

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